There are 48 Mondays left in 2014. The month of January is almost gone. My challenge today is to re-evaluate. Check and see where I am at. Am I moving forward in all areas? Am I progressing or regressing?I realize that I am not moving quickly enough in certain areas. There are still some weaknesses that I need to address. So, I am adjusting my action steps to continue to move forward. It is so important to not only see the vision, the big picture, the goal, but also the steps along the way.
I've also been able to see how far I have come in just a few weeks. That is important as well. It helps propel me forward when I find myself holding back a little.
Take today and look at your year so far. Your life. Are you where you thought you would be? Are you headed toward where you want to be? Are you moving forward or standing still? Are you going in the right direction? What is the big picture? Define it. What are the action steps you are taking to get there? What have you accomplished so far this month?
Keep moving forward!
Love and Blessings!!
Bri, You are an inspiration! I look forward to reading your blog and taking your advice to heart. Thank you for sharing your journey and helping me and all your other readers with our own. Can't wait til the next post!!