Friday, January 10, 2014

51 Fridays

Week in Review

This has been an eye opening week for me. I am implementing changes, charting growth and just being present. One of my realizations in 2013 was that I was not always present. I missed moments and opportunities. I let relationships lapse. So intent on getting to "that place" where I could enjoy those relationships and moments, I missed out on so much.

I realized last year that I had become an observer in every possible way. No longer a part of anything. I stayed on the outside - always. Self-imposed isolation. I became resolute in changing that this year. Already, I am seeing the fruit of that.

One of the purposed actions I have taken is to say yes to my children as much as possible. I'm not talking about giving them whatever they want. I am talking about making sure my children know how important they are and that they supercede all other relationships (aside from my relationship with God and my husband). What I am talking about is no longer being too busy for them. No longer putting them off while I finish something "more important". Does that mean that I have played a dozen games of Uno while making dinner? Yes. Does that mean I have ended a phone call to look at a picture my daughter drew? Absolutely. Told extra stories at bedtime? Rubbed their backs until they fell asleep? Yes and yes! They get my full attention now instead of just a part. I focus on them. That wasn't always the case.

What fruit has come from this? Well, I am much more patient with my children. That is because I am no longer in a hurry for them to finish so I can move on to my insane multi-tasking juggling act. I stopped juggling. I am more patient in general. And my son and daughter aren't as "needy" as they used to be. There are much fewer - "Mom. Mom. Mom. mom mom mom mom mom mom..." 's.  I am also learning so much more about them. Learning from them. There are more teachable moments. There is no yelling. There is purpose in my parenting now. I know longer feel like I am grasping it by a thin thread and hoping to get ahead of it someday. They are happier now. I am happier. We are a happier family. Someday has become today. And this is just the beginning of the year. The changes already have been nothing short of amazing. Now, my oldest daughter is now an adult and no longer lives at home. So, we are working on the new dynamic of our relationship. It is much different when you are the parent of an adult. So different and new, but I am loving where our relationship is going now. 

Well, this was supposed to be more of a Week in Review post. Going over this last week, day by day. All of this is what came out though. I am writing another note today. I'm also going to dance. Yesterday, I danced to the Frozen Soundtrack (I'm soooo cool!).

Dance today. Dance with your children. Tell someone that you love them. Write a letter. And laugh!

Love and Blessings!

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