Confessions of a Bad Mom...
Sometimes I forget to check school folders. Dinner isn't always on time. I don't have a craft hour with my children. Here is my confession.....I. am. a. bad. mom.
Whew. I said it. It's out there. I used to beat myself over the head (figuratively) with guilt over not being the perfect mother. The social standard of motherhood that I did not meet. The looks from others when it became clear that my children were not the center of my world. (insert Gasp here - I know you want to)
There are days that my daughter goes to school with her hair in a messy bun because I couldn't find the brush and we need to hide the evidence. I've forgotten to send the promised cupcakes to school. Not every television show my kids watch is educational. I don't always tuck them in and read a story at night. Sometimes, I let them eat dessert first. I don't lie to my kids...ever....not even about Santa Claus. My kids know that they can ask me anything and I will answer them honestly. My kids are allowed to drink soda whenever they want (99% of the time they still choose water). My kids watch my husband and I disagree and make-up. My kids know about sex and that their parents have lots of it.
Is their childhood perfect? No. Do my kids know they are loved? Yes. Do my kids get to see me as more than just a "mom"? Yes. I am an example of a woman to them. Not just a mom. Have I seen good fruit from the way I parent? Absolutely. I am quite proud of my children. Now, I don't pretend or believe that they are perfect. And having a son in the midst of puberty is enough to make me want to pull my hair out some days. My kids are, however, themselves. And growing into themselves. And they are good kids. I hear about it from people all the time (usually with a look of shock that they can't believe it because of their upbringing).
We pray together, every morning before we leave the house. I pray over my children throughout the day and they know that. I tell them how and why they are special every day. I apologize to them when I am wrong and they do the same. I don't just tell them what is important, I show them. We have dance-offs and sing-offs in the kitchen.
I'm a bad mom. I don't bake cookies. I'm not June Cleaver. I don't want to spend every waking moment with my children. I'm a bad mom. And that's okay. Because my children think I'm pretty great. And they are turning out pretty great. So, maybe I'm not a bad mom after all. For my kids, I'm the right mom.
My challenge for you today is to look at whatever you beat yourself up about, and turn it around. Really look at what you're doing (without distorted lenses). Ask yourself a few questions - Is what you are doing harmful? If yes, then stop it. Is what you are doing encouraging and uplifting? If yes, keep going girl, you're doing great! Don't be run by opinions of others. Always be guided by truth and love.
Love and Blessings!
You make my day! So proud you are my sister. Too bad you didnt blog before maybe I wouldve listened :) I get to now though. I wish I had half the drive and courage you do. Love you keep em coming!!