Wednesday, January 22, 2014

50 Wednesdays

Be Fearless....

Someone stopped me the other day and told me that I was fearless. Truthfully, I was surprised by that. I don't consider myself to be fearless. Maybe that is because it is so easy for me to acknowledge my fears. Being fearless is something that I always aspire to be. So, hearing that someone thought that I was fearless...well, it prompted me to reexamine how I see myself.

Compared to my former self, yeah, I am pretty fearless. Before, I never would have even entertained the idea of speaking in front of large groups of people. And now, here I am, speaking in front of women. Traveling was also something that I tried to avoid. That too has changed.

I have realized that being fearless isn't a goal to be achieved. A crowning moment of glory. A level to be reached. Being fearless is a journey. One that moves forward. Step by step. Fearing less and less. When you fear less, you live more. You reach higher. You attain greater. You love richer. You feel deeper. You experience more than you could imagine before. All because you let go of a little bit of fear and stepped out. Just like letting go of the edge of the pool, little by little, until you are swimming in the deep end. Remember that feeling? The feeling that anything is possible? You can't see the possibilities while holding on to the edge of the pool. It is in the deep end that you can see the infinite possibilities. It is in the deep end that you aren't blinded by fear.

My challenge today is to step out and do something I have been afraid to do. That is my challenge to you. Ride that roller coaster. Audition for that play. Talk to that person. Apply for that dream job. Follow your dream. Go back to school. Jump into the deep end and be fearless!

Love and Blessings!

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