Tuesday, February 11, 2014

46 Tuesdays


There was no blog post yesterday. I needed to clear my head and heart. So, I took Monday as a sort of Daycation. I think it is important to take a day for yourself every once in awhile. Clear out the clutter inside of you. I didn't know why I needed to do that, but I knew it was needed. And I am so glad that I did.

Early this morning, I was given an amazing opportunity. It is a project that will take up much of my time over the next two weeks. If I hadn't taken yesterday "off", I don't know that I would or could have made the right decision today. 

When faced with the task of making a decision, you want to be clear minded and pure of heart. Clutter clouds your judgment. Every time. There is no better example of that than in the movie, Labyrinth. The scene of the junk lady keeping Sarah from her purpose. Clouding up her judgment with clutter. (Seriously, if you haven't seen this movie, there is something wrong with you. It's one of my all time favorites. Full of life lessons.)

I challenge you today to clear your mind and heart before you make a decision. Make sure you can make the best decision. The decisions you make have great impact on your life. Step back, take a minute (or a day), and remove the clutter. When you can see clearly, the answer is always clear.

Love and Blessings!

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